Archives By Month: November 2019
11. Recent Quarterly Posting: July
Featured Article: The Initial Encounter with Eyes Wide Open In the News: Editorial: Trust in Health Care – JAMA: July 15, 2019 International Healthcare: Health services in Canada are not free. Government Healthcare: The Medicare Enslavement Web Lean HealthCare: Cost in Perspective Misdirection in Healthcare: Two Trillion Dollars per year wasted. Overheard on Capitol Hill: The […]
2. In the News: The U. S. District Court upheld racial discrimination at Harvard
New York, NY (October 3, 2019) — The National Association of Scholars (NAS) reacted with disappointment to the decision by a United States District Court upholding racial discrimination in admissions by Harvard University. NAS had previously filed an amicus brief in the case, Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, in favor of the plaintiff. We […]
4. Government Healthcare: Single Payer is more Expensive than Private Care
How to Make Health Care Unaffordable and Inaccessible By Bradley Thomas | September 09, 2019 | Fee.Org Third-party payment systems destroy normal market forces. Currently, in the US nearly 90 percent of medical care expenses are paid by a third party other than the consumer. Whether it’s Medicare for All or some other variant of a […]
3. International Healthcare: China Rx: Exposing the Risks of American Dependence on China
Rosemary Gibson, Author of China Rx, gave a very disturbing presentation on the world pattern of generic drug manufacturing. When we opened free trade with China, and our pharmaceutical houses were looking where they were making generic drugs cheaper, China became the primary supplier. The drugs may be packaged domestically, but the ingredients come from […]
6. Misdirection in Healthcare: How Free is Free Health Care?
The Medical Care Wheel of Misfortune by Marilyn Singleton, MD, JD, September 24, 2019 You finally get your dream and are selected to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. You get to see Pat Sajak and Vanna White! You win a vacation to some country that you don’t really want to see. You cannot […]
9. The Health Plan for the USA: A deductible equal to the basic costs of routine care
The healthcare debate in the United States has totally become a State issue. It has been blown out of proportion as to insurmountable costs. The liberal left think that health care costs are too expensive unless the government takes over the industry. However, past experience of the government controlling costs in any industry is a […]
10. Wisdom in HealthCare: They do certainly give very strange and new-fangled names to diseases
[M]modern liberalism is something like a superbug that strengthens its pathologies in response to inadequate treatment . . .” D. C. Schindler’s Areopagus Lecture When meditating over a disease, I never think of finding a remedy for it, but, instead, a means of preventing it. – Louis Pasteur There are only two things a child […]
8. Innovations in Healthcare: Innovations will cease in Medicare-for-all
The majority of socialists understand that we have enjoyed the greatest advancement in medicine and healthcare in this country ever. Most socialists recognize that. But equality trumps quality in their estimation. If everyone’s healthcare is slightly less, that is interpreted as the rich get less and the poor get more. The animosity towards the rich […]
7. Overheard on Capitol Hill: The Democratic Socialists Goal: Free Distribution of Healthcare
Between Wilson, a Liberty/Freedom Senator and Sampson, a TSR (Tax/Spend/Regulate) Senator Senator Wilson: There seems to be a run on who can give out the most benefits and make them free. There doesn’t seem to be a limit on how much this is going to cost. Initial estimates are in the $trillions. Senator Sampson: […]
1. Featured Article: The Transformation of the American Hospital
The American Hospital: from volunteer charity to tax-exempt patronage pit. By Craig M. Wax, DO, Med Economics Blog, BusinessPresented at the annual meeting of the AAPS, Sept 20 19 Prior to the founding of the United States in 1776, the first hospital in the 13 colonies was founded in Philadelphia in 1751. Pennsylvania hospital, which […]