Authentic Medicine

by admin on 07/10/2012 12:06 PM

Douglas Farrago MD, Editor, Creator & Founder


The mission of Authentic Medicine is to rediscover how much the art of medicine means and allow us to reconnect to our roots once again. It is about fighting back against those things that are taking us away from the direct care of patients while still pointing out the lunacy and hypocrisy of this job. Be part of the movement that will take back the healthcare system from the idiots who are ruining it.

Why we are moving to an era of Industrialized Medicine

The Quality Movement and why it is a scam

The ever-expanding Medical Axis of Evil

Medical Dogma and the Alphabet Soup (JC, HIPAA, CMS, etc)

Bureaucratic Drag and the distractions from treating patients

Burnout and depression amongst healthcare professionals

Humor in caring for the patient and the caretaker

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