On Tax Day, Friday, April 15, 2011, Atlas Shrugged Opens
by admin on 06/19/2011 1:10 PMThe time has arrived!
Friday, April 15, the Atlas Shrugged movie will open on more than 300 screens around the country. Find the theater closest to you (and demand it in your city, if it’s not already there) by going here:
All of us who love Ayn Rand’s novels should bring our friends to see the movie on the opening weekend. This is hugely important; it shows theater owners how much demand there is for this independently produced and distributed movie based on Ayn Rand’s revolutionary novel.
Equally important, though, is to go back the following weekend—with even more friends. This helps demonstrate the movie’s momentum in no uncertain terms, and will draw even more theaters on board.
If you haven’t already seen the trailer and the excellent preview clips (‘Henry Rearden Comes Home’ and ‘Dagny Taggart Confronts the Union’) from the movie, you can watch those here:
Enjoy the show. Meantime, to help capitalize on this new wave of publicity for Ayn Rand’s writings, we’re hard at work building new functionality for the Atlasphere, including better search functionality, enhanced (and free) social networking options, and some innovative ways of sharing our enjoyment of Ayn Rand’s ideas. We’ll have more updates for you on this front shortly.
You may also wish to read Don Luskin’s review in the WSJ on “Atlas Shrugged.”
The author of “Atlas Shrugged” was an individualist, not a conservative, and she knew big business was as much a threat to capitalism as government bureaucrats.
Tomorrow’s release of the movie version of “Atlas Shrugged” is focusing attention on Ayn Rand’s 1957 opus and the free-market ideas it espouses. Book sales for “Atlas” have always been brisk—and all the more so in the past few years, as actual events have mirrored Rand’s nightmare vision of economic collapse amid massive government expansion. Conservatives are now hailing Rand as a tea party Nostradamus, hence the timing of the movie’s premiere on tax day. . .
Read the entire Luskin Review in the WSJ – Subscription required . . .
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