Pay cash for the basics and insurance for high costs The best innovation in health care is paying personally for basic care.

by admin on 04/28/2020 8:24 PM


However, this may be difficult to implement. The left would say you’re not covered unless you have medical insurance. In our planning to close our medical office upon retirement, we decided not to accept any insurance the final six months so we wouldn’t have to deal with billing during our retirement years. However, during that time we received daily calls from patients pleading with us to see them. They complained that they could not find a physician that would accept ObamaCare. They were more than willing to pay cash to be seen. My front desk never had as much difficulty giving out change in bills. These patients seemed to have rolls of C-notes ($100 bills). We had to go to the bank and draw out $50 bills so we could make change. It was truly enlightening to realize that the patients that I had seen for $45 on a $150 office call had no difficulty paying the full $150 after we no longer accepted ObamaCare or any insurance. Thus, the fact remains that at the present time perhaps one-third of Americans do not have access to health care even though they are covered by the insurance provided by the ACA or Obamacare.

If people would experience the proposal as outlined above, they might think it is so reasonable that paying for basic health care and only having health insurance for hospital, ER, surgery and trauma care, that they might want to forego the hassles of Medicare with bureaucratic requests to cover what their doctor ordered. This would more likely than not be reasonable on the order of car or utility bills. Many insurance representatives state that Medicare only covers about half of health care costs. With that in mind, many would want to continue to remain private (or first class). Then we could gradually get to private health care in this country. That would bale Uncle Sam out of the embarrassment of going bankrupt in a few years when Medicare and Social Security can’t pay benefits and our children lose all future benefits.

That would be feasible since we are healthier and living longer than for which either Medicare or Social Security were planned which makes (cost of health care) reasonable into our eighth and ninth decade of life. If you don’t believe that, just look at the obituary columns and note how many people live into their mid-nineties and even in the low 100s. Life expectancy was 62 when FDR started Social Security. It is near 80 now.

Is it really fair to live on tax supported programs 35 years longer
than they were projected to cover?

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