Archives By Month: April 2014
The Benefits of the proposal
The Benefits of HealthPlanUSA.Net Healthcare costs are reduced making it more affordable and available to all Americans, thus eliminating the uninsured concerns. Quality is increased by cutting down delays in patient care, thus decreasing unnecessary patient suffering and premature death. Spectrum of a customer market base is increased to insurance and credit providers by the […]
Understanding the future problem
The Major Future Problems in HealthCare The clarion call in the healthcare debate is to repeal Obamacare—repeal and revise. When one looks at the investment of time, energy, and lawyering spent over several years on the current rendition, which has caused a marked increase in cost, anxiety in our patients, causing a loss of a […]
Portability-Part I
Making Health Insurance Portable Special Publications | Health | by NCPA 1-30-06 One of the strange features of the U.S. health care system is that the health plan most of us have is not a plan that we chose; rather, it was selected by our employer. Even if we like our health plan, we could easily […]
Do Mammograms Save Lives?
In the 1980s, Dr. Eugene Robin, a Research Pulmonologist at Stanford, had a weekly column in the San Francisco Examiner. Having had a very distinguished career writing research papers, books, editing journals, chairing international symposia, he thought he’d try his hand in the popular press. In this column, he explored numerous areas of medicine for […]